The journey of WATERMEDYIN project – new videos released

Published on
04 Novembre 2021

After 12 months of intense and exciting activities, WATERMEDYIN project is about to close. We are proud to present in these three videos the project’s achievements and its impacts on the Innovation support organisations and startups (based in Lebanon, Palestine and Tunisia) and hopefully on the whole innovation ecosystem of the area.

  • Watch here the journey that startups and ISOs have been facing from December 2020 to October 2021 to improve the economic and social environments in which they operate, and the match created between them by WATERMEDYIN Project: ;
  • Watch here the feelings, emotions and thoughts of the selected startup members who participated in this journey sharing the same desire to see their projects realized: (link video) ;
  • Watch here how the activities within WATERMEDYIN have developed and evolved over the last year, through this “step by step” infographic:

A special thanks goes to Ernesto Pagano and Mara Beccafarri for the great work done with these videos!

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